Recent Books, Theses and Articles on Linguistic Politeness : 1980 +

(DAI no = Dissertations Abstracts International no.)

Ambady, N et al: `More than words: linguistic and nonlinguistic politeness in two cultures’, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Athens, GA, 1996, May 70:5, 996-1011

Austin P `Politeness revisited: the dark side’, in Holmes J et al eds: New Zealand Ways of Speaking, Multilingual Maters, 990 Clevedon, Eng.

Bamgbose A. `Politeness across cultures: implications for second language teaching’, Georgetown University Roundtable on Languages and Linguistics, Baltimore, 1994, 117-27

Bayraktaroglu A Analysis of conversation: politeness: sequence and topic with special reference to troubles talk in Turkish, Open University, 1991,

Beebe, L. `Polite fictions: instrumental rudeness as pragmatic competence’, Georgetown University Roundtable on Languages and Linguistics, Baltimore, 1995, 154-68

Buck R `Politeness theory as a model of discourse’, Northwestern University Working Papers in Linguistics, Evanston, Ill, 1993, 5, 1-9

Dillard J, et al, `Politeness judgements in personal relationships’, Journal of Language and Social Psychology, Sanata Barbara CA, 1997, Sept, 16:3, 297-325

Edwards M. Stratgeies of linguistic politeness in routine gynecological examination, University of Texas, Austin, 1995 (DAI no DA9534774)

El Sayed A. `Politeness formulas in English and Arabic’, ITL: Review of Applied Linguistics, Leuven, Belgium, 1990 Sept 89-90, 1-23

Ervin-Tripp, S `Shifting face from Asia to Europe’, in Shibatani M et al eds: Essays in Semantics and Pragmatics, Benjamins, Amsterdam, 1995, pp43-71

Escandell-Vidal, V. `Towards a cognitive approxcah to politeness’, Language Sciences, Oxford, England, 1996, July-Oct, 18:3-4, 629-50

Field S On Saying Unpleasant Things: Politeness Theory, Harvard University, 1991; DAI 9131949

Gough, D. `Some problems for politeness theory: deference and directness in Xhose performative requests’, South African Journal of African Languages, Pretoria, South Africa, 1995 Aug, 15:3, 123-25

Harris M. International Students’ Use of Politeness Strategies and Compliance gaining in a US Setting, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, 1996 (DAI no. DA9738050)

House J `Politeness in English and German: the functions of please and bitte’, in Blumkulka S et al eds: Cross Cultural Pragmatics : Requests and Apologies, Norwood, Ablex, 1989

Jucker A `The relevance of politeness’ Multilingua, Berlin, 1988, 7:4, 375-384

Janney, R `Universality and relativity in cross cultural linguistic politeness research’, Multilingua, Berlin, 1993, 12:1, 13-50

Kaspar G et al eds Politeness, special issue of , Journal of Pragmatics, 1990, 14:2, 193-218

Koo J. Politeness theory: universality and specificity, Harvard University, 1995 (DA no.DA9538953)

Kotthoff, H. `Impoliteness and conversational joking: on relationalpolitics’, Folia Linguistica Acta Societatis Linguisticae Europaea, Vienna, Austria, 1996, 30: 3-4, 299-325

Kuhn, E. `Germany vs. the south or should (or can) second language learners be taught how to be `rude’ or `sweet’ ? in Ahlers J et al eds. Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society, Feb 17-20 1995, Berkeley Linguistics Society, Berkeley, CA, 1995

Leech G Grammar Pragmatics and Politeness, Eigo Seinen, Tokyo, Japan, 1985 54-60

Liu. J `A pragmatic analysis of please in discourse’, Waiguoyu,, Beijing, 1993, April, 2:84, 38-42

Lorscher W et al. `On polite speaking and the foreign language clasroom discourse’, International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching, Heidelberg, Gemrnay, 1988, 26:3, 183-99

Matsumoto, Y. `Linguistic politeness and cultural style: observations from Japanese’, 55-67 in Clancy P ed Japanese/ Korean Linguistics II, Stanford, CA, Center for the Study of Language and Information, Stanford Univ. 1993

Mehrotra, R `How to be polite in Indian English’, in Crochetierre A et al eds. Endangered Languages: Proceedings of the 15th International Congress of Linguists, Quebec, 1993, Universite Laval, Quebec

Meier, A `Defining politeness: universality in appropriateness’, Languages Sciences, Oxford, England, 1995 Oct, 17:4, 345-56

Pan Y, `Power behind linguistic behaviour: analysis of politeness phenomena in Chinese official settings’, Journal of Language and Social Psychology, Newbury Park, CA, 1995, Dec. 14:4, 462-81

Peng, G. `The declining process of the linguistic politeness system in Chinese’, Keiroyo Kokugogaku Mathematical Linguistics, 167, Japan, 1997, 21:3, 85-100, 128-29

Scarcella R, Brunak J : ` On speaking politely in a second language’, International Journal of the Sociology of Language, Berlin, Germany, 1981, 27, 59-75

Sifianou, M. `Politeness and off-record indirectness’, International Journal of the Sociology of Language, Bronx, NY, 1997, 126, 163-79

Strecker I `Cultural variations in the concept of face’, Multilingua, Berlin, 1993, 12:2, 119-41

Strohmetz D Politeness Theory; Beyond Please and Thank you, Temple Univ, 1993 DAI DA9302155

Walters, J. ed The Sociolinguistics of Deference and Politeness, International Journal of the Sociology of Language, Berlin, German, 1981, 27

Watts R et al eds. Politeness in Language Studies in its History, Theory and Practice, Mouton de Gruyer, Berlin, 1992

Zhan, K. The strategies of politeness in the Chinese language, Berkeley CA, Institute of East Asian Studies, Univ. of California, Berkeley, 1992

Updated: 1st December 2000

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